YUNJI on the list of  MIT Technology Review’s “50 Smartest Companies,TR50” for 2020

  • Reasons for the Listing
  • About MIT Technology Review

On November 19, 2020, at the EmTech China 2020 Global Emerging Technology Summit, MIT Technology Review once again released its annual “50 Smartest Companies” (TR50) list. YUNJI was on the list, and other companies such as chinese companies: Huawei, Tencent, Meituan, Baidu and other well-known companies from foreign countries, such as: Tesla, AMD, Nvidia and so on are also on the list.

Reasons why YUNJI is on the list

Reason for being on the list: pioneering hotel service robot application scenarios, the first market share in China in this field. During the epidemic period, YUNJI’s robots used in hotels, buildings, government halls and other scenarios to deliver customer needs, takeout, express delivery, and undertake routine business consulting, which shared the workload of personnel while reducing contact between personnel and avoiding secondary transmission.

Keywords: 96%

— The market share of Yunji in the hotel service robot market has exceeded 96%, covering more than 20 countries and regions around the world, more than 3,000 hotels, and more than 50 million people.

About MIT Technology Review

Founded in 1899 and sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Technology Review is the world’s oldest and most influential technology business magazine. Since 2010, MIT Technology Review has annually selected the “50 Smart Companies” from among the world’s technology companies, making it one of the world’s most prestigious business technology honor rolls.

List of 50 Smarter Companies

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