YUNJI Attends 2022 National Hotel Industry Green Development Conference, Empowering New Momentum of Green Development with Technology

On November 11, the much-anticipated 2022 National Hotel Industry Green Development Conference and the 7th China International Hotel Industry Conference were held in Haikou. General Assembly by the Ministry of Commerce Bureau of Foreign Trade Development Affairs, the International Hotel and Restaurant Association, the National Green Hotel Working Committee, Hainan Provincial Department of Commerce and Haikou Municipal People’s Government jointly supported by the China Hotel Association, the Hainan International Economic Development Bureau and the Hainan Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, to “a new pattern, new consumption, new momentum” as the theme.


As the vice chairman unit of Hotel Digitalization Professional Committee of China Hotel Association, YUNJI was invited to attend the event, showing the new style of YUNJI, as a robotic service platform, empowers the hotel/restaurant industry with its service digitalization technology to the leaders at all levels of the local government, the hotel and lodging industry colleagues, and the owners and investors.

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