What does a hotel with robots look like in 24 hours?

Take a look at UP‘s 24 hours in the hotel, what happened?



It is 8 o ‘clock in the morning. A female resident wakes up to find that she has encountered a little embarrassment today. What should she do? Go downstairs to the convenience store or order takeout? At this time, she picked up her mobile phone, scanned the QR code and placed an order for a sanitary napkin. The UP robot took it from the AI vending machine COOL and sent it to the door of the room to help the guest in time.

According to the data of the mall, sanitary napkins are sold in most at 8 o’clock in the morning and 10 o’clock at night. And this kind of thing actually happens every day at different times, and robots will help female guests deliver warm and timely service every day.

A good hotel is not only about food delivery, but also about providing a lot of services, and mall data shows that the delivery ranking in each region is different, and the first place in central China is laundry. It seems that the customers of this area love cleanliness very much. We can also have a second interpretation, that is, can our hotels in central China have an extra washing machine?

This is a hotel in Shanghai, and in the past August, this hotel generated 16,000+ yuan in non-room revenue. There are a total of 94 products listed in the mall, and there is a wide variety of products.

UP with COOL



It is 11 o’clock in the morning, and it is a busy time for the hotel roommate. After the guest leaves the hotel, our system will receive a departure notification and send a work order to the cleaner and the robot at the same time, so that the cleaner can focus on cleaning the house, and the dirty linen will be transported by the robot to the cleaner and delivered to our linen room.

At this time, the hotel still has many pain points, such as slow personnel response, difficult to control material consumption, etc., and the cleaner may also receive the items left by the customer in the process, and a robot can help improve the efficiency of the cleaner.



It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, it’s room cleaning and public area Auntie’s working time, and UP has taken on another role: the cleaner in the hallway. If the PA auntie needs to change the time, she can modify the applet easily. At this time, the various roles of the UP upper modules have the different requirements. Delivering goods needs efficiency, cleaning requires to cover the corridor comprehensively. When UP encounters a person on the delivering way, it will choose to bypass. But when cleaning, UP is to stop and let guests go first, and then walk over. Of course, UP can judge whether it is a linen car. If it is a linen car, it will choose to go around.

UP has a unique cleaning system



It’s 18 o’clock in the evening. The guest has already checked in and ordered a takeaway, and our deliverymen have already started to deliver it to the guest’s room via robot and we’ve seen data over the years that the number of takeout orders continues to increase, and the number of orders in the hotel is growing very fast. According to our data analysis, the customer’s tolerance for a single delivery is about 13 minutes, if more than 13 minutes, the customer will most likely pick up the phone to urge the order. How do we solve this problem because once a guest has enjoyed the convenience, they have more expectations.

We have a wish-list in our applet. Our robots can deliver not only food delivery, but also many other things. When our guest has a birthday today, robot give him a birthday present and sing a song. If it rains outside, robot also says pay attention to the slippery road surface, please pay attention to safety, if it is the New Year, robot will send New Year’s wishes,

UP can bring guests unexpected surprises.



It’s 8 o’clock in the evening. At this time, there will be a telephone consultation with a guest. The HDOS (Hospitality Digital Operation System) is in charge of the service.

Guest: “Where’s the air conditioner switch?”

AI waiter: You can adjust the wind speed through the control panel above the bedside table, because the minimum wind speed range, the maximum wind speed can also be adjusted by the up and down keys on the panel to adjust the temperature of your room to zero and turn off the air conditioning, is there anything else that can help you?

Guest: “Two bottles of mineral water.”

AI waiter: “You have been provided with direct drinking water on the side of the bathroom basin, do you still need it?”

Guest: “Still needed”

AI waiter: The four free bottles of water you requested will be delivered to you later.

The above voice comes from a real recording of a hotel guest and the AI waiter.

The AI waiter can give quick feedback to our users’ phones, such as WIFI information, passwords, and water delivery collaboration, and if customers have complaints, they can be directly transferred to the customer complaint manager. In addition to text, users can also express themselves in other ways.

the HDOS covers all scenarios of residential services in 7×24 hours.



At 10 o’clock in the evening, the resident is already very tired after a busy day and want to treat himself to a bowl of hot hand-rolled noodles, but at this time, the chef may be off work, what should be done with this noodle?

Just scan the code or call, the noodle cooking robot begins to work. Today’s noodle cooking robots have been used in many hotels in China, and on average, they can make hundreds of meals per day. The hotel noodle cooking robot provides noodles through a standardized and reliable process. Don’t worry about staff making mistakes at night. There is data to trace, too.



Now the bowl of noodles is ready, we need a robot to deliver it. The food delivery robot equipped with UP can not only be used for catering distribution in hotel dining-tables and balconies, but also realize the collection of dinnerware. It can be configured to mode including delivery and collection.



At 3 o ‘clock in the early morning, it is late. Guests are asleep, and the cleaning maid is off work. At this time, UP need to Vacuum the dust in the lobby again to keep it the fresh tomorrow. At night, UP works alone.

In summary, we can see the overall form of UP+UP store and UP time, which can realize that a chassis plus different upper modules are equivalent to a person, learning a variety of skills and holding a variety of tools in hands to do different jobs.

the families of UP
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