Vision hotel’s experience in using robots to improve efficiency

Lectured by Wei Yi, General Manager, Vision Hotel

  • HDOS in Vision Hotel
  • Run Robot in Vision Hotel
  • Unexpected Harvest for Vision Hotel
  • UP Brings New Profits to Vision Hotel

HDOS in Vision Hotel

The Vision Hotel and Yunji began to cooperate in 2019, initially there were 30 rooms in Vision to install Yunji’s intelligent AI phone After three months of analysis, I found that this system can handle more than 85% of the guests’ simple demand calls. So I let the hotel all 325 rooms installed HDOS system, and thus the switchboard and the room service center were merged together. By the time the epidemic was at its worst in 2020, the hotel had adjusted out more than a dozen jobs that cost upwards of 700,000 yuan a year , and it was Yunji that used technology to help the Vision Hotel solve the actual problem.

Run Robot in Vision Hotel

From 2020, Vision hotel began to use the robot Run. Between March and April in 2020, the epidemic has eased, and the demand for guest’s takeaway soared, in response to the change in customer demands. Beijing hotels usually deal with two kinds of ways: one is extremely exclusionary, and some hotels stipulate that takeaways are not allowed to enter the hotel lobby, while the second kind is to understand and guide. Yunji Robot Run has become the most loyal employee of Vision Hotel, and according to statistics, during the lunch peak period, the takeaway alone can reach more than 40 times, becoming the most efficient employee of Vision.

Unexpected Harvest for Vision Hotel

By paying attention to the takeaway cash register information, we analyzed the taste preferences of different guests, and finally summarize the rule. Accordingly adjusted the hotel’s delivery menu, the guest room revenue in the delivery of food had a significant increase. We called this as “sniper takeaway” action. Later, staff of Yunji told me that there is a camera in the robot’s warehouse, it can help analyze the results from the background. There’s really nothing that can’t be done, only the unthinkable. We spent a lot of energy in vain to do things that robots can easily do well.

UP Brings New Profits to Vision Hotel

After UP’s release, I am more interested with the cleaning function of the UP robot. The floor cleaning process in hotels is very complicated, with many types of hard floors, and this is the part that maximizes the ability to replace manual labor. Vision Hotel is willing to try UP with an open mind, and we will come up with internal organization and workflow adjustments to cater to the use of UP, and I hope we both create a bright future together.

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