Robots or AI can enhance guests’ intelligent experience, Yunji robots have been brought more than 20,000 OTA reviews to Hilton Hampton

Lectured by Qiusheng Gan in UP’s Release Conference

Qiusheng Gan, Vice President of Innovation and Development & CIO, Hilton Grand Vacations China


  • The story between Yunji robots and Hilton Hampton
  • The value of robots in Hilton Hampton
  • Suggestions and best wishes for Yunji and UP


The story between Yunji robots and Hilton Hampton

After listening to Mrs. Zhitao’s (Yunji founder)wonderful sharing, I learned that it has taken nine years for Yunji to start its business, which is as long as the time for Hampton to enter the Chinese market. Our hotel industry is very hard, and it is even harder to be a service provider in the hotel industry. Speaking of using Yunji robots, I still remember it vividly, it is about 2018 year when the business and technical colleagues of Yunji came to our company to talk about cooperation, I felt the courage of the team of Yunji, and I was willing to try to cooperate with the software docking and other deeper aspects of the cooperation, so I picked the six best stores of Hampton in China, and I used the 1.0 version of the Yunji HDOS, and I think there is a part of our credit behind the increasingly powerful function of the HDOS. So is Hampton to the HDOS.

RUN in Hampton


The value of robots in Hilton Hampton

Yunji should not only be the best robot service provider in terms of technology, but also the one that knows the most about hotel operation, because the combination of human and machine is crucial and requires our partners to know the hotel operation process very well. The smart hotels shown in the scene drama of the launch let me feel the strength and great progress of Yunji.
On the question of “the value of robots”, I think the value of robots is equivalent to the value of digital operations. Digital operations want to solve the hotel’s cost reduction and efficiency, to bring convenience and ease of staff, to bring a better experience to the guests, this is the value of robots. No matter what the product, the first to solve the problem of manpower during peak business hours, 24 hours a day when the front desk is particularly busy, when the guest room is particularly busy, when the restaurant is particularly busy, when people are busy in a certain scenario, the robot should appear. Another peak is the peak season of tourism, such as in the summer, hotels are in busy mess, the role of the robot should be better to present out. There is also the problem of service standardization. Guest room AI waiter to solve the problem of artificial service standardization. People are important but the most difficult to control, there are emotions and tone of voice light and heavy and other issues. Finally, the robot or AI can enhance the guests’ intelligent experience, we analyzed the network review of the Hampton Hotel, with Yunji robot brought more than 20,000 reviews.

RUN with the AI vending machine COOL in Hampton


Suggestions and best wishes for Yunji and UP

Before this launch, I specially ran to the Hampton Hotel in Shenzhen, to observe the use of Yunji’s UP robot. I suggest: First, the chassis can not be too little, the ideal combination of three chassis + eight functional bins, so that will be able to effectively run up. Second, the robot can be cooler, more than functional intelligence, visual but also more intelligent, touch speaker and so on can be strengthened, so that guests and employees feel more strongly. Finally, I wish that Yunji robots and UP can enter the hotels all over the country and even the world earlier.

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