Practical Case studies of the Hotel Digital Operation System



  • Project information
  • AI tasks data analysis
  • Robot tasks data analysis
  • Enhance Employee Efficiency and Sense of Achievement


Project information

HDOS, the Hotel Digital Operation System, through a complete set of systems, make the whole process of living in the service closed loop, so that different links interact to form a data flow, and then through the data to drive the hotel service process to run better, to provide scientific digital basis for the hotel operation decision-making.

The data for our case study comes from a high-star business hotel with a strong local flavor located along Chang’an Street, Beijing City.

The hotel has a total construction area of 53,000 square meters and 339 rooms. As the resident hotel of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the building takes “living, eating and traveling with peace of mind” as its leading principle, and adheres to “science and technology leading, green development”.

Opportunities are accompanied by challenges. The hotel has long been facing problems such as rising labor costs year after year and uneven work arrangements and is in urgent need of a set of intelligent integrated management system to strengthen the hotel’s informatization and realize real-time data collection. After the hotel’s long-term investigation, Yunji finally won the hotel’s favor by virtue of its technical advantages and rich practical experience in the hotel industry. When it comes to the hotel’s reasons for choosing HDOS, the hotelier believes that HDOS’s industry solutions in the hospitality sector are a perfect match for its current development and service needs.


AI tasks data analysis

One month after going live with HDOS, there was a noticeable change in the hotel’s AI work data.

According to the data, the first month in use HDOS there were 1,532 AI call tasks in the hotel, more than 93% of the guest room calls are handled by the AI first. The percentage of the AI did not understand and needed manual intervention was around 5% -7%. There were 1027 AI work tasks, in which the delivery tasks were completed 966 times, accounting for 94.1%.
It can be seen that the HDOS solution effectively reduces the duplication of labor and puts artificial intelligence into practice.


Robot tasks data analysis

The robot worked at the hotel for one month undertaking a volume of 1,666 tasks. Of these, there were large applications in delivery and call-for-delivery tasks: 623 and 271, respectively; the AI vending machine-COOL pickups had 610, which amounted to 36.6%; and The number of robot tasks was 1049, with a success rate of 99.3%! Robot total working hours this month were 82.02 hours (equivalent to a waiter 10 days of work), the total task mileage reached 131.819 kilometers (equivalent to 330 standard runways). Reduced the repetitive errand workload of hotel service staff to a large extent!

According to the operation data of the hotel using HDOS for one quarter, the system statistics show that the free items are bottled water, slippers, dental tools, coffee, toilet paper, shampoo, shopping bags, combs, hair conditioner and razors. Loaned items are Huawei charging cable, charging plug, Apple charging cable, nail clippers, hairdryer, scissors, fruit knives, android charging cable, irons and bath towels. In addition, HDOS data can also be seen in the ranking of the number of deliveries and the number of services, in which the largest number of bottled water deliveries were made, with AI providing 681 water deliveries for hotel guests.


Enhance Employee Efficiency and Sense of Achievement

Since hotels work 24 hours a day, hotel employees usually work in a 3-shift pattern. If we just rely on manual scheduling, it is easy to become “laborious and unappealing”. With the intelligent data feedback system of HDOS, it can ensure the smooth operation of the hotel under the premise of reasonable scheduling, reasonable distribution of materials, and maximize the use of personnel.
Employee management is a heavy and trivial task, especially in the case of a large number of hotel staff. HDOS, a digital solution for hotel in-house services, can manage AI tasks, supplies, robot workloads and scheduling. Through a unified applet, employees can all view their work anytime, anywhere, helping managers to rationally deploy personnel and improve labor efficiency.

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