YUNJI Wins “Service Organization of the Year Award” at AHF Summit

  • about the 12th AHF International Hotel and Tourism Investment Summit
  • the Significance of Using Robots in Hotels

about the 12th AHF International Hotel and Tourism Investment Summit

From October 30th to November 1st, the 12th AHF International Hotel and Tourism Investment Summit and the 6th HAMA China Hotel Asset Management Annual Conference were held in Beijing Kerry Hotel. With the theme of “Culture and Tourism Integration, Asset Reshaping”, the conference gathered a group of industry elite leaders to talk about the future of the industry and write a new chapter of culture and tourism.

At the same time, the 2019 AHF Asia Hotel Awards Ceremony was held in the afternoon of November 1, recognizing the outstanding projects, units and individuals in the Asian hotel industry in the past year. YUNJI won the “Service Organization of the Year Award” for its industry-leading technological advantages and hotel industry coverage. Mercedes-Benz was awarded “Hospitality Partner of the Year”, Shimao Hotels & Resorts was awarded “Hotel Owner of the Year”, and “Asia’s Most Valuable Hotel Management Group” was awarded to Vienna Hotels Ltd. 

This year’s conference is jointly organized by Asia Hotel Forum (AHF), Global Hotel Asset Managers Association China (HAMA China) and New Travel World.

robot GOGO with AI vending machine COOL

the Significance of Using Robots in Hotels

As a commercial robotics company at the forefront of the industry, YUNJI focuses on the commercial application of intelligent robots, and its products such as the hotel delivery robot “Run”,the hospitality service robot”GOGO” ,the first modularized service robot with delivery/cleaning/catering ”UP” have all achieved industrialized application and were displayed at the venue. Guests can scan the code to let the robot deliver the goods, and also can experience the convenient service of cruising robot.

Zhao Yongbo, Senior Vice President of YUNJI, shared the theme at the conference. Zhao proposed that robot empowerment of the hotel industry has a very obvious manifestation in improving the hotel’s public reputation and re-stay rate. The data shows that by using robots, the rating of the hotel is increased by 0.35 points, and the rate of OTA favorable reviews with pictures and recommendation rate is increased by more than 3 times. And through the analysis of the data in the residence, the hotel is also able to see the ranking of the most purchased items by consumers in a certain period of time, which assists the hotel to analyze customer demand and provide better quality services.

At the same time, YUNJI robot waiter system to the hotel to provide more charging mode, part of the hotels in use of such services monthly income can reach more than 20,000 yuan, basically can realize the cost-sharing of robots. The previous delivery scene needs butler to run up and down. By using the robot to replace butler, will directly improve efficiency, reduce labor costs. 

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