YUNJI on the list of “small giants” specializing in specialties and new technologies of China

  • about Yunji
  • about the Hospitality Digital Operation System
  • About Specialized and New “Small Giants”

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of the third batch of specialized and new “small giants” enterprises. By virtue of the continuous deep cultivation of service robot application and technology research and development in recent years, YUNJI was awarded the title of national specialization and new “small giant” enterprise.

Yunji listed as the Small Giants company on official website of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China

about Yunji

As a famous enterprise of commercial service robot, YUNJI has been continuously innovating in artificial intelligence research, technology application and industrialization development for many years, and has successfully landed in hotels, buildings, government halls, shopping malls and other robot service scenarios, which helps enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, optimize workflow, assist in the catalyst for new modes of new industries, empower traditional industry upgrading, and assist in digital transformation of various industries.

the HDOS

about the Hospitality Digital Operation System

Among them, the digitalization solution launched by YUNJI in the hotel scene – Hotel Digital Operation System for In-House Service (HDOS) – allows different aspects of in-house service to interact with each other through a complete set of systems, forming a flow of data, and then driving the hotel service process through data to run better, providing a scientific digital basis for the hotel’s operational decision-making, and helping hotels rapidly cross the digitalization and intellectualization thresholds. The hotel will be rapidly embarking on a new journey of digitization and intelligence.

Up to now, the service robots of YUNJI have been recognized by more than 40 countries and regions around the world, bringing safe, convenient and surprising robot service experience to more than 500 million people.

about Specialized and New “Small Giants”

Specialized and new “small giants” is according to the “General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the third batch of specialized and new “small giants” enterprise cultivation work notice” (Industry and Information Technology Department of the enterprise letter [2021] No. 79) requirements, through the provincial small and medium-sized enterprise authorities Initial verification and recommendation, industry associations limited conditions argumentation, expert review and other processes, and finally given the recognition of the award, is the most authoritative title of honor in the national small and medium-sized enterprise assessment work. It means that the enterprise is the leader among small and medium-sized enterprises, and it is a “front-runner” enterprise that focuses on niche markets, has strong innovation ability, high market share, masters key core technologies, and has excellent quality and efficiency.

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