UP, a delivery robot that really knows hotel cleaning

  • UP recognizes different objects to take different strategies
  • Up is designed for the hotel’s cleaning environment
  • Up is both user-friendly and efficient



UP recognizes different objects to take different strategies

It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, it’s room cleaning and public area Auntie’s working time, and UP has taken on another role: the cleaner in the hallway. If the PA auntie needs to change the time, she can modify the applet easily. At this time, the various roles of the UP upper modules have the different requirements. Delivering goods needs efficiency, cleaning requires to cover the corridor comprehensively. When UP encounters a person on the delivering way, it will choose to bypass. But when cleaning, UP is to stop and let guests go first, and then walk over. Of course, UP can judge whether it is a linen car or not. If it is a linen car, it will choose to go around.


Up is designed for the hotel’s cleaning environment

The carpet of the hotel is also not easy to be assessed and inspected, but the hotel group wants to know the cleanliness of the carpet of each hotel. If strong control is carried out, the management cost may increase. To make matters worse, it is difficult to find room aunts under the age of 50 in hotels, and young people are reluctant to do such repetitive and heavy work. Fortunately, we are serious about doing cleaning.

First of all, let’s analyze the scene of the hotel, its corridors are closed and narrow. Such environment requires that the air exhaled by the robot cannot be dirty, so the air should be filtered twice at the outlet to prevent secondary pollution.

Secondly, 80% of the hotel floor is carpet, which is very soft, which brings great obstacles to the robot with vacuum, which requires our motor torque to be greater.

Thirdly, look at the carpet, it has floating dust, debris, hair dust and dust, which requires to be able to deal with it in a targeted manner. UP beats the dust out of the fluff and then suck it up.

Not only to sweep clean, but also to sweep quietly, because the hotel is a place that requires quiet. The cleaning noise of UP can be controlled at about 60 decibels, which is lighter than the vacuum cleaner used in the hotel.


Up is both user-friendly and efficient

In order to be efficient, it is necessary to sweep to more than 450 square meters per hour.

It is also simple to be operated by cleaner. All the hotel managers want to know the cleaning result, so the system will report the data in real time every day after the cleaning task is completed, the cleaning time, cleaning area and other cleaning data will be directly uploaded to the platform for managers to check.

After eating takeout, many guests habitually put the takeaway box at the door of the room, and UP’s newly upgraded vision system can identify the takeaway garbage when walking, and call the room service to remind the robot to take away the garbage, and at the same time send a work order to the system. If our customers and managers need to intervene, they can take it away with a garbage robot.

Because of such design, in a hotel in Suzhou, where the room maid not only has to deal with the work in the room, but also responsible for the carpet in the corridor at the door, she used to tidy about 15 rooms a day, with the help of UP, she can tidy 17 rooms a day.

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