The modular hotel service robot UP evolves to intelligent and efficient multi-machine scheduling

  • UP is the Transformer of Service Robot.
  • UP is the Group of Intelligent Labor.
  • UP is the Strength of Hospitality Service.



UP is the Transformer of service robot

UP has a universal chassis, which can be combined with upper modules with different functions to complete different tasks, helps hotels save the cost of using lots of robots (such as cleaning/catering/delivery robots, etc) and realize “freedom of using different robots”.

UP can perform AI scheduling on robots under the HDOS system, and assign tasks to upper modules with different functions at regular intervals and gear setting. For example: from 7:00 to 9:00, UP with catering module can send breakfast and collect tableware; from 9:00 to 11:00 UP with linen module for room linen; from 11:00 to 14:00 UP with delivery module for takeouts; from 15:00-17:00 UP with cleaning module for public area cleaning; from 22:00 to 24:00 UP with delivery module for guests’ amenities, etc. According to the needs of different times in the hotel, UP can become the transformer to complete the special task.


Transformation 1: “Smart Pixie” – UP Cleanup Module

UP cleaning robot is more suitable for hotel scenes, it can tap the hotel carpet deposits ash for carpet maintenance cleaning, to avoid scratching the carpet due to cleaning brush; on the other hand, it can also be wet mopping of the floor, marble, the whole process of low noise. At the same time cleaning warehouse contains HEPA (high efficiency air filter) in the cleaning process of deodorization, more environmentally, friendly, continuous maintenance of the carpet, purify the hotel environment.
UP cleaning robot is not only “a cleaner”, but a smarter, more understanding of the hotel’s “think tank cleaning group”. In the implementation of cleaning tasks, it can call the cleaning staff to clean up large pieces of garbage; can also call the “brother warehouse” to assist in cleaning up small pieces of garbage; can also identify valuables, generate lost report.


Transformation 2: “Good Brothers” of Delivery modules – Open module & Close Module

Delivery robots are Yunji’s most popular and widely used products in the market, and the UP robot launched this time not only has the same standard delivery bin, but also has a “good brother”-open bin. Distinct from the standard delivery bin, open bin is mainly for the delivery of large items, such as: barrels of water, the whole case of water drinks, printing paper, multiple courier, printing materials and other large materials. It can accommodate 20-inch handheld suitcases, but also to assist in the delivery of large objects for banquet room.

When a guest checks in at the hotel lobby, the UP robot can accompany him upstairs and deliver luggage to his room.


Transformation 3: Robot Service Corps – Scheduling and Collaboration

The reason why UP is called “the world’s first creative service robot” is that it is characterized by “scheduling collaboration”.
Combination of robots can not only realize “human + machine collaboration” and “cabinet (AI vending machine) + machine collaboration”, but also “robot and robot collaboration”, so that robots join with each other to form a “robot service army”. As the hotel has an intelligent, efficient “robot department”, to provide scientific, digital, convenient services for the hotel and hotel guests.
When the guests buy goods in the AI vending machine, the robot can go to AI vending machine to pick up the goods and send them to the guest’s room; when the hotel is in the peak period of takeout delivery, the two robots autonomously replace the chassis relay operation, scheduling synergy, worry-free, efficient and smarter.


Transformation 4: Hotel Catering robot, Fragrance Spraying Robot, Patrol Robot… More Possibilities of Robotics UP are Waiting to be seen.


UP are the Clever “Labor Corps.”

UP “robot corps” is based on the powerful data backstage of Yunji, with a more flexible body and smarter brain. The service platform system is used to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the four aspects of service, pre-complaint management, non-room income and cost control, generating a diagnostic portrait of the hotel’s operation, assisting managers to carry out a refined, multi-dimensional analysis, and providing decision-making support for the management of service quality and the optimization of business operation processes.

At present, the backstage system of UP robot has established cooperation with more than 100 ecological partners and opened ports to break the hotel intelligent information silo, so that the hotel’s hardware and software and comprehensive services can realize “all-link” synergy. All intelligent work results to achieve all digital retention, scientific optimization of distribution efficiency, so that the hotel management “evidence-based”, and successfully build the hotel digital “full-service” model.


UP is the Strength of Hospitality Service

UP not only has more possibilities in hardware products, but also has more imaginative space in software through the use of big models. The application of “big model” technologies such as AI voice assistants, AI instruments, image recognition, intelligent decision-making and so on, will change the traditional vertical business system, optimize the way of empowering artificial intelligence, and promote the intelligent transformation of the industry.

Hotel GPT won the “Hotel AI Model” Innovation Award in China’s hotel accommodation industry
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