2022 Intel Intelligent Robotics Summit, YUNJI Showed New Ecology of Robot Development

Recently, Intel Intelligent Robotics Summit 2022, organized by Intel (China), was successfully held in Zhangjiang Robotics Valley. Shanghai Zhangjiang Group, Kangqiao Group and enterprise representatives from Intel Corporation and Intel Robotics Innovation Ecology gathered together to talk about Intel’s cutting-edge technologies, explore robotics innovation applications and promote the development of global robotics innovation ecology.

YUNJI was invited to participate in this event with the theme of intelligent robots. With the representatives of robot innovation ecological enterprises from all over the world, we discussed cutting-edge technologies and shared industrial development trends and innovative ideas.

In the roundtable forum of this summit, YUNJI and a number of experts in the industry dialogued about “the future development direction of intelligent robots”, helping developers to broaden their technical horizons and promote the development of the industry.

In the roundtable forum, Lu Zhengjun of the Strategy Department of YUNJI made a relevant sharing on the practice and achievements of YUNJI in eight years of focusing on the research and development of robotics products and technology as well as the application of the scene.

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